Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Career in Television was not a Long One...

It was, all things considered, surprisingly easy.

Convincing anti-vaxxers that, in reality, ALL science caused autism, and that therefore the only way they could keep their children completely safe from the ravages of the modern world was to move them to a commune and live lives free of technology of any sort, medical or otherwise, took less time and WAY less effort than we’d budgeted. We were, after all, telling them what they already sort of believed and, by virtue of who they were, they weren’t terribly interested in testing the scientific validity of what they were told.

Once on the commune, struggling to set up a viable farming community with basically zero knowledge about the raising of crops, our hidden cameras gave us a look at their day to day lives that we then cut together and brought to our viewers, who ate it up, as we had predicted they would.

After all, these were the sort of people who would argue AGAINST medical science for hours at a stretch, the conflicts started early, came fast and furious and were frequently hilariously insane. Even if you didn’t like the premise of the show, it was hard not to watch.

And watch people did, by the millions. It debuted at number one in its time slot and by it’s fourth episode it was the third biggest show on TV.

“Wake Up, Sheeple!” was a huge hit, and we were rightly celebrated for producing it.

And yet, in spite of this, we never got a second season.

In hindsight, introducing Smallpox in the season finale was a misstep…


  1. Yeah, I'd probably watch and complain about it being on tv at the same time.

  2. Lol, well hindsight and all that, right?

  3. You wouldn't even need to introduce something that fatal. TB, Whooping Cough, any number of other diseases let to run without medical care would have done well. But, that aside, if only...

  4. Sometimes when you push the envelope, the envelope pushes back.
